What is minimally invasive spinal fusion surgery?

What is minimally invasive spinal fusion surgery? 1024 535 Phoenix Spine & Joint

Most people with back pain can rely on medications and physical therapy for treatment. These treatments are noninvasive and can help reduce the need for surgery. However, noninvasive treatments do not always work. If your back pain lasts longer than 12 weeks, you may need surgery for treatment.

One  frequently performed method of back surgery is spinal fusion. This procedure involves the joining of two or more of your vertebrae together. This limits the mobility of these vertebrae but helps treat a variety of conditions, including:

  • Spinal fractures
  • Spinal deformities
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Tumors
  • Bone infections

The main goal of treating many of these conditions is to help correct your alignment and provide better support for your body.

How does minimally invasive spinal fusion work?

During spinal fusion, your surgeon will make an incision near the area of your back that requires treatment. The surgeon will remove damaged cartilage and soft tissue before roughing up the surface of the spinal joints and fixing hardware into place. After fixing the hardware into place, the surgeon will close the incision, and your body will do the rest of the fusing through its own natural bone healing processes.

The spinal fusion we perform at Phoenix Spine & Joint is minimally invasive because of the approach our surgeons use. Our surgeons use a microscope and tubular retractors that can fit through small incisions, which dramatically reduces pain and recovery time after the procedure.

Is minimally invasive spinal fusion safe?

As with any surgery, minimally invasive spinal surgery comes with some risks. Rest assured, the surgeons at Phoenix Spine & Joint take every precaution possible to minimize any risks. Our team has more than 20 years of experience in performing spinal fusion surgeries. Our patients have a nearly zero percent infection rate after their surgeries with us, which is a testament to the kind of care our team provides.

Although minimally invasive spinal fusion is generally safe, you should still understand the possible risks that could arise:

  • Infection
  • Loss of blood
  • Loss of spinal fluid
  • Pseudoarthrosis
  • Nerve damage