Carl Lawson Ruptured Achilles: He Will Return, But When Will He Be 100%

Carl Lawson Ruptured Achilles: He Will Return, But When Will He Be 100% 1024 576 Phoenix Spine & Joint

Defensive end Carl Lawson will miss the 2021 season after rupturing his Achilles tendon, the New York Jets announced on Thursday.
Lawson said he felt a pop along his ankle – a common symptom reported with an Achilles rupture. Some may also report feeling as if someone hit or kicked their leg, followed by an inability to push off while walking.
How soon could Lawson be 100%?
The defensive end position requires quickness and strength to hold the line of scrimmage, blocking the opponent attacking players. After surgery — barring no complications — sport-specific activity may begin at four to six months. Lawson could return anywhere from six to nine months.
Even after Lawson returns, he will continue a strengthening program, as it can take up to a year to gain full strength of the Achilles tendon.
“Most patients will complain it’s still my bad leg (many months after surgery),” Dr. Zachary Flynn said. “And we expect that for about 12 to 18 months or sometimes 24 months depending on the host patient.”
Why Lawson is an ideal surgical candidate?
The appropriate candidate selection will determine whether surgery is your best option.
Surgical candidates are typically younger, fairly active individuals. Older, sedentary individuals and smokers are not good candidates. As one gets older, it can be difficult for the tendon to heal, and smoking can hinder the healing process because it decreases the blood flow to the tendon.
What makes for a successful surgery?
Those who have surgery promptly are less likely to experience complications or additional surgeries. Lawson, 26, who has access to excellent medical care, may have or will undergo surgery very soon.
An MRI can confirm an Achilles rupture, but a medical staff examination can be just as accurate, decreasing the wait time to make a diagnosis. Your medical staff
will assess the following: if there is a gap between your tendon, increased ankle motion, and squeeze your calf (Thompson test) to see if there is any foot action.
The goal of surgery is to bring the tendon ends closer to assist in healing.
“The complexity of the Achilles comes from the slow healing,” Flynn said.
Adding that the process can be long and tedious because the ruptured area has a limited blood supply. It’s a recovery that requires patience and following guidelines provided by the doctor and physical therapist.
After surgery, your pain level may be minimal, making it tempting to use the leg more. But, if you stretch the tendon too early, it will be much difficult to regain full strength many months after surgery.
If you’ve injured your Achilles tendon, a Phoenix Spine & Joint doctor can assist you in making the best decision whether surgery is right for you.